The Real Enemy!

In our day to day life, we might come across people whom we think, are our enemies. We try to focus on the externals (people around us) instead of the internals (Real enemy, behind the scene). Isn’t it?
And that is the thing which we should understand. The Enemy represents another enemy, but that’s not the real enemy. It’s to keep us distracted from fighting the real enemy.
In David’s case, it was his brother Eliab. Let’s read 1 samuel 17:28 we see that Eliab is questioning David ” why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the desert, and how wicked your heart is”. We all know that David was a responsible boy, who used to care for the sheep. But do you know what is happening here? The enemy is trying to trigger David by making him fight the wrong person.
Now let’s imagine, it this way. If David stands and argues with his brother. He will never get a chance to see Goliath.
Most of the time, we are defeated in our spiritual life because we get distracted by focussing on the wrong person. Now we all know how the story of David and Goliath ends. But what if he stood there arguing with his brother? We wouldn’t have heard the story of David and Goliath in our Sunday schools. This is what is happening in each one of our lives. We come across “Eliabs” and get distracted from the real enemy (Satan).
Let’s see what happens next? Let’s read 1 samuel 17:30 “He then turned away to someone else “, we read here that David walks away from Eliab. This is what we need to do today, turn or walk away from “Eliabs”.
And the next person he had to come across was saul. Let’s read 1 samuel 17:33 “Saul replied, you are ONLY a boy”. This “ONLY” could have distracted him by discouraging him if he had taken it seriously. Isn’t it?
But we see what David says in verse 37 ” The Lord who delivered me from the Lion and the bear, will deliver me from the philistine”. Amen!!!!! What faith? And we all know how it ended.
My dear friends,
Today we might be facing our “Eliabs” and “Sauls”. People with arguments and discouragement. But may God help us to understand the truth that they are not the real enemy. The day we stop fighting with “Eliabs” we will meet “Goliath” the real enemy.
Praise be to God!
by Jenny Jen