Counting on Joy

The angel said to them, “Do not be afraid; for see – I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people.” Luke 2:10 NRSV
You’ve spent months planning for this moment, the one where family gathers around the tree for this year’s Christmas Day. There is a spark of excitement in the air as the pajama-clad kids file in, hair still tousled from sleep, waiting for the signal to begin. Once videos are rolling, the magic unfolds, and you watch for the one thing you’ve worked so hard to see: joy. You scan the faces of each person opening their gifts and hope to see happiness oer the thoughtfulness, pleasure in the gift, and gratitude for the giver. Surely hugs are in order, yes?
Inevitably, though, the magic comes to an end. People pack up their gifts and head back to the reality that is life. It’s the inevitable valley after pleasure’s peak that reminds us real paradise is still lost, at least here on earth. All the money in the world can’t purchase lasting peace and joy. But riches from heaven can. God’s gift to us is not an object we can open but a relationship we can embrace.
Unwrap and revel today in the grace of God that goes everywhere you do. His grace fills you with infinite joy, blesses your life with every good thing, and promises perfect peace as you trust in Him through every earthly moment. Best of all, God’s gift of grace never goes away. Don’t settle for temporary treasures. Today, take hold of all God’s goodness and celebrate a life lived eternally in His love.
You bestow on him blessings forever; you make him glad with the joy of your presence. Psalm 21:6 NRSV