Greatness of Christ

In the days of His flesh, Christ Jesus could say of Himself, “Behold a greater is here” (Matt. 12; John 4:10-18; 8:53-58). No man dared make the same claim.
He was greater than Abraham in the pre-eminence of His rank. The Jews boasted that Abraham was the head and founder of their race. Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8:58). Christ is the Head of the Church.
He was greater than the Temple in the magnificence of His glory. The Temple was the center and expression of worship. Now we gather in His name, whether it is in a cabin or cathedral (Mat.12: 6; John 4:24).
He was greater than Solomon in the excellence of His wisdom. King Solomon was the richest and wisest of the kings, but both his wealth and wisdom were derived from Him who was made unto our wisdom (Luke 11:31; I Cor 1:30).
He was greater than Jonah in the beneficence of His mission. The runaway prophet was against God’s blessing Gentiles as well as Jews. Christ came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance (Mat.12:41).
He was greater than Jacob in the magnificence of His gift. Jacob gave his people a well (John 4:12). Christ provided, for all who believe in Him, rivers of living water (John 7:37-39).
Christ came into the world of men as the holiest Man ever born. In human form, He was the same as other Bible men but unique in character. All the men of the Bible, with the sole exception of Adam, were born with inherent evil (Ps. 51:5). Christ was born sinless (Heb. 4:15). He did no sin, knew no sin and in Him was no sin. He was separate from sinners that He was without inherent or practiced sin. No man could convince or convict this Man among men of sin.
Shiloh – The name of a revered city (Josh.18:1), Shiloh is also a name used prophetically of Christ (Gen.49:10). Meaning of Shiloh “one who pacifies”. This name speaks of Christ as the Prince of Peace. Christ, not only provided peace by His cross and proclaimed peace, He is peace personified. He is our peace. Peace then, is not something, but someone. During His millennial reign, the name of Christ will be as ointment poured forth (Ezek 21:27).
The Branch – Prophet Zechariah had a vision of the Lord when he wrote of Him, “Behold, the man whose name is The Branch” (Zech. 6:12). Just as the branch is the dependent part of a tree, so while on earth, Christ thought of Himself as a Branch. “The Son can do nothing for Himself.” In true humility He expressed His utter dependence upon the Father. What are we but branches (John 15:5)? As such we have nothing and can do nothing apart from Christ. The function of the branch is to bear fruit. Christ the “Branch” brought to fruition all the promises given to prophets and kings of old.
The Word of God – John alone uses the glorious name. Describing Christ’s return in power and glory, he says, “His name is called The Word of God” (Rev. 19:13). It is beyond the mind of men to conceive all that is embodied in this name of His. John elsewhere speaks of Him as being the Word from the dateless past (John 1:1). As words are the expression of thought, so Christ came as the expression or Revealer of the Father. He appeared as the culmination of the revelation of the Father (John 1:18; 14:9). One writer has suggested that there are 365 names and titles given to Him, whose name is above every name, that is, an inspiring revelation of Him for each day of the year (Phil.2:9,10).
John C.J.